Dear Barry Carmin at Landata BC,

My name is Howard Kung
I am a student current enrolled in Simon Fraser University taking a course called Technical Issues in Geographic Systems (Geography 355).

In the course, each student is to create GIS project using Idrisi by the end of the semester.

For my project, I would like to determine which areas of the North Shore Mountains such as (Seymour, Grouse, etc..) are suitable for urban development. To determine what areas are suitable for urban development, I am using the Multi-crieria evaluation method taking such factors as distances from waterbodies, parks, and roads. Slopes and elevation are additional factors regarding environmental factors such as soil erosion and sedimentation.

For example, its is not wise to build houses on areas where mountain slopes are greater than 20 percent because this can accelerate erosion and can cause land slides, damaging watersheds, or private property.

Therefore, I would like to obtain:

1) DEM data (1:250,000): 092G - raster format

2) TRIM digital data (1:25,000): 092G.034, 092G.035, 092G.036, 092G.044, 092G.045, and 092G.046 - vector format

Preferred GIS format: SAIF/ZIP

landau BC Account: SFU Geography (Jasper Stodgy)

In using this data only for educational purposes, I fully understand and I will comply to the License Agreement of all data I obtain from you.

Thank you,
Howard Kung


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